Diagnosis and Treatment


Dover Hospital steps in when GPs need confirmation of the suspected medical condition or are unable to determine what is causing health problems. The hospital staff at the diagnostic centre has the knowledge, expertise and equipment to identify any disease and disorder using one or both of the following types of diagnoses:

When the suspected disease or condition is confirmed by diagnostic tests, the patient is revealed the results of the testing and diagnosis. Depending on the diagnosis, the patient may be sent to his/her GP with the specialist opinion regarding the treatment. If necessary, the patient is admitted to the hospital to receive treatment. But before the actual treatment begins, the patient is offered consultation with a specialist who explains him/her the treatment options as well as benefits and risks of particular treatments.

Besides fully informing the patient about the results of diagnostic tests and treatment options, hospital staff also helps the patient choose the best treatment option on the basis of his/her overall health, age and the predicted outcome of the treatment. The patient is also informed about the right to a second opinion and the right to choose different treatment from the recommended one in order to make sure that every patient understand his/her rights. The hospital always tries to persuade the patient to accept the treatment that is thought to cure or help control the underlying condition or disorder most effectively and safely but the specialists always respect the patient’s decision.

If the patient decides for treatment at Dover Hospital, he/she is explained the treatment process in advance. The patient is extensively described the treatment plan, the procedures that will be used to treat the diagnosed disease or disorder, what complications can occur and how they are managed, and of course the expected outcome of the treatment.

Before being released from the hospital, the patients at Dover Hospital are also provided specialist opinion on follow-up care at home in order to accelerate the recovery process or/and control the underlying condition if the latter cannot be cured. The patient may also be asked to come periodically to the hospital for evaluation of the progress of recovery.